Fish Fry

Holy Trinity School Fish Frys

Established in 1870
Member of the Holy Trinity Catholic Church
Free Individual Tours

Participate in Our Fish Fry Fundraiser Event

The tradition of Christians fasting on Fridays to recognize Jesus's crucifixion on Good Friday dates to the first century AD. Fish had been associated with religious holidays even in pre-Christian times. The first mention of fish in connection with Lent comes from Socrates of Constantinople, a church historian in the third and fourth centuries who spoke of abstaining from meat and meat products (such as cheese and eggs) during the 40 days of Lent. The custom was mentioned by Pope Gregory I, who was elected in 590, and was later incorporated into canon law. Roman Catholic tradition has been that the flesh of warm-blooded animals is off limits on Fridays, although the 1983 Code of Canon Law provided for alternative observances of the Friday penance outside Lent.

Each year during the season of Lent the parish and school families offer Friday evening fish frys from 5PM-7PM. In 2023, we had record crowds to dine in and take out and were voted into the finals in the Grand Rapids area for best fish fry around. Stop in and check us out. The first fry for the 2024 season is Friday, February 16th and for the next 5 weeks following. Click here for the flyer! Workers and dessert bakers are always needed. Please use our Sign-Up Genius for the many roles to make this event run smoothly! We need help in all areas: Friday Set-Up and Prep Work, Cooks, Order Takers, Food Packaging, Servers and Clean Up Crew. 

Please use our Sign-Up Genius for dessert donations

No experience necessary to help with this fundraiser. Interested in getting involved at Holy Trinity School? Call today!

Fish Fry
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